The provincial government announced Tuesday that is focusing on five pillars to help businesses find and keep employees. They are:

  • making post-secondary education more affordable, accessible and relevant to British Columbians
  • helping people reskill to find in-demand jobs so more employers facing current and future skills shortages can find the people they need
  • breaking down barriers so everyone can find a job where they can thrive
  • addressing Indigenous Peoples’ workforce priorities; and
  • ensuring people new to BC find a career in the field in which they are trained.

The province has committed $480 million for its plan, which includes funding for future skills grants of up to $3,500. The money will be available starting in September to help workers train for in-demand jobs.

“I’m hearing from businesses, small and large, that finding skilled labour is one of their biggest challenges,” said BC Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation Brenda Bailey, who will be speaking at The Chamber’s Business Leader Luncheon on Monday, May 8.