In 2023, generative artificial intelligence was suddenly everywhere. It’s showing up in business software applications, Internet search functions and standalone apps that enable even non-technical users to overcome writing, coding and design challenges.

To help businesses benefit by adopting AI responsibly, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce held an AI Executive Summit on Nov. 22. Among the key themes that emerged were:

  • the need to turn research into action
  • the importance of the public understanding what AI is and what it is not
  • embracing opportunities by knowing real risks
  • responsible but unobtrusive regulation
  • ensuring smaller businesses benefit
  • And squarely addressing the fears about a new disruptive technology.

The themes will guide the work of the recently formed Future of AI Council, a 30-member forum representing a cross-section of organizations. The council “will play a leading role in advocating for government policies that establish AI as a positive economic force through the responsible development, deployment and ethical use of AI in business.”