Uber Canada is hoping Chamber members can help give the province feedback on proposals that could have a profound impact on the sustainability of “app-based workers.” Often referred to as the gig economy, this sector has evolved quickly alongside technological advances. The Chamber is a strong advocate for Fair Rules for emerging and established businesses.

Uber is siding with proponents of labour reforms that would mandate benefits and protections for workers while preserving the flexibility of their work environment.

A discussion paper was published in the summer by the Ministry of Labour, exploring employment standards for app-based rideshare and food delivery workers. The paper itself focuses on:

  • fair compensation standards
  • pay and destination transparency
  • account suspensions, deactivations, and terminations
  • workers’ compensation and occupational health and safety coverage

The government has asked for feedback by Sept. 30, emailed to: precariousworkstrategy@gov.bc.ca.