Rail shutdown poses critical threat to our economy

The Chamber continues to call on our region’s Members of Parliament as well as the federal government to take immediate action to ensure the continuation of rail services. A strike that began Aug. 22 threatens to disrupt local economies as well as our country’s national security.

Working with our national chamber network, we have been asking the government for weeks to protect the Canadian public. Under section 107 of the Canada Labour Code, the federal Minister of Labour can refer the dispute to the Canada Industrial Relations Board for binding arbitration and can end any ongoing stoppage pending a resolution. The government can also introduce back-to-work legislation.

This is not a partisan issue. However, a steep price will be paid by families, workers and businesses if action is not taken.

“I sent a letter to all of the Members of Parliament in Greater Victoria, so they are aware of the gravity of this issue,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said. “Our expectation is they will take up this call in Ottawa and work with the government to protect our region before we experience supply shortages that could create a real crisis here.”