Camosun College getting on-campus housing at last

Funds announced today will provide on-campus housing for Camosun College students at the Lansdowne campus.

“This is something that The Chamber has long advocated for, and we’re happy to see funding finally made available,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said. “Building housing for students will open up affordable homes in the community. This is a smart solution to the housing crisis and will help people who face challenges finding a home in our region.”

The $154.7 million six-storey building is expected to be ready by fall 2027 and will house 423 students in single, studio and quad-unit types. The building will be constructed using mass timber, targeting LEED Platinum Standards.

Camosun is contributing $3 million to the project, with the rest of the funding coming from the province.

“On-campus housing brings various social, academic and personal benefits, including greater retention rates, while freeing up rental spaces in the surrounding communities,” Camosun College president Lane Trotter said.