Jessica Stigant joined the University of Victoria’s world-leading, Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) in 2012. As the Director External Relations, she is responsible for building strategic relationships that expand ONC’s global presence, engaging with local, national, and international partners.
Jessica moved to Victoria as a child from Winnipeg. She briefly stepped off the Island to pursue her love of the culinary arts. Before coming to ONC, Jessica worked as the Marketing and Communications Manager for Berwick Retirement Communities, cultivating Berwick’s ‘vibrant living’ vision.
Given the world’s climate crisis, Jessica is excited about the ONC-led project Solid Carbon, a global climate mitigation solution that can help meet planetary climate targets. Jessica is leading the Investor Acceptance aspect of this international, leading-edge initiative.
Jessica was elected to The Chamber Board in 2022, and also serves as the Chair of the IDEA Committee and sits on the Public Policy and Advocacy Committee.