The non-profit sector plays a critical role in our region’s economy, particularly as a decent work employer. That’s one of the findings of the 2023 State of BC’s Non-Profit Sector: Safety Net report.

Several organizations partnered to conduct the survey, including the Victoria Foundation and Vancity Community Foundation. The report builds on research conducted in 2021 and 2022.

“Non-profits are indispensable,” the report concludes. “They have evolved to do more than small scale good deeds. Balancing the work of private interests and the public good, the non-profit sector is a major employer that provides a range of essential services to help ensure healthy and connected communities.”

Recommendations include the need for new investments to build capacity in non-profit organizations as well as increased trust in organizations to reduce time spent on reporting and onerous requirements. A third recommendation is for improvements to workforce development and labour force strategies.