It’s Budget Season for all levels of government. After the province reveals BC Budget 2023 on Feb. 28, the federal government will announce its own budget at some point in the following weeks. Municipalities in BC don’t have the same flexibility, with legislation requiring financial plans be adopted by March 31 and tax rate bylaws before May 15.
The Chamber is working to remind Greater Victoria municipalities that they need to support their community’s businesses through fair taxation. We encourage Chamber members to get involved with their local government through however they can. In the City of Victoria, for example, Council is asking The Chamber for member feedback on a 6.96% increase to residential property taxes that’s largely the result of inflation. While that’s down from the almost 9% increase initially proposed in January, there might be more opportunities to find efficiencies.
Businesses that pay property taxes in Victoria are urged to voice their formal feedback by:

  • Participating in a public meeting on Thursday, Feb, 23 at 6:30 pm at Victoria City Hall in person, by calling in or sending a written or video submission and tuning in to the live webcast.
  • Completing a short online survey by 11:59 pm, Sunday, March 5.
  • Emailing with “City Budget” in the subject line by 11:59 pm on Sunday, March 5.

If you have questions or concerns about municipalities outside Victoria, please let us know by emailing And watch for more coverage on The Chamber’s budget advocacy on social media and in upcoming editions of BizNews.