Have your say on buskers in downtown Victoria

Did you know that buskers who make downtown Victoria vibrant are regulated by the City of Victoria? Ensuring street performers are talented and entertaining is a great way to encourage people to go downtown, which benefits businesses in the area.

To make sure the plan is working as intended, the city is undergoing a review of its Street Entertainment Bylaw to improve the busking experience.

If you’ve been downtown this summer, you might have noticed buskers in several new locations. By taking part in an online survey, you can share your opinion on the “specific types of busking locations, sound-amplification at specific sites and strategies to enhance busking downtown, as well as the types of busking and related amenities buskers and the public would like to see, such as covered spaces with comfortable seating, accessible parking and food trucks nearby to create a dynamic downtown experience.”

The survey closes at noon on Aug. 31.