Shifting cruise shuttle stop will help area businesses
The Chamber helped advocate for a small change that will have a big benefit for many downtown businesses. After explaining the concerns of having cruise ship shuttles stop short of Government Street’s retail core, the party’s involved agreed to shift to the 900 block.
The change takes place April 4. It required the approval of City of Victoria staff, the Greater Victoria Harbour Authority and Pacific Northwest Transportation Services.
“We heard concerns from merchants that the buses were letting cruise ship passengers off before they could discover Government Street to its fullest,” Chamber CEO Bruce Williams said. “Instead of enjoying the area’s shops, cafes and restaurants, it seems passengers were staying in the area they were dropped off. We worked alongside Destination Greater Victoria and the Downtown Victoria Business Association to address this challenge.”
The new stop was chosen for safety and logistics, as well as its benefit to downtown businesses. About 160,000 cruise passengers used the shuttle service last year, while other passengers chose organized tours or other methods to get into the city.