Victoria council discusses future of downtown traffic

The Chamber is working to engage with members and our partner organizations to make sure the voice of business is heard on proposals that will impact traffic in downtown Victoria.

The City of Victoria is looking at extending dedicated bus lanes along Douglas Street, potentially reworking the busy corridor to focus on transit. The idea would take more than a year of study before returning to council.

Chamber CEO Bruce Williams told the Times Colonist that making transit more convenient is a good thing. Giving commuters an option other than single occupancy vehicles will help with congestion and emissions.

However, changing downtown streetscapes will require consultation with businesses that could be impacted by changes to traffic patterns and potential loss of parking spaces.

“We don’t want to deter people from going downtown to shop, enjoy a meal or have some fun in the city,” Williams said, noting that any transportation plan for the city needs to consider how convenient it is for people travelling from neighbourhoods outside downtown Victoria.

One proposal — also in the early stages — is to look at developing a new parkade near north Douglas to allow people to park close to downtown and then walk into the compact central core.