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Despite pandemic, film industry has record year

Greater Victoria's film industry had a banner year in 2020,…

Province’s minimum wage now highest in Canada

The provincial government pressed ahead with its plan to…

Chamber joins Colwood’s call for ferry study

A ferry connecting Royal Bay…

Clarity needed for businesses on mask mandate

The loosening of restrictions has been met with a collective…

Construction industry working to end OD crisis

A fundamental priority for good business is having safe…

Supporting Indigenous business one way to begin healing our community

We hope that we can learn the names and better understand…

Canada Day a time to reflect, plan for better days

Canada Day is different this year. As we celebrate the best…

Have an opinion on tax forms? Tell The Chamber!

The Canadian Chamber is looking for guidance on their advocacy…

Saanich tweaks rules to make council more efficient

Council meetings will run a little more efficiently in the…

Back to business as province finally unveils restart plan

We now know what our Recovery Runway looks like and can…

Major attractions have until June 7 to apply for grant

Major tourism attractions have less than two weeks left…

Cruise ships get approval to bypass Canada, for now

The Chamber is calling on provincial and federal governments…