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Residential construction shows signs of slow down

​A report by the Chartered Professional Accountants of…

Housing help for CFB Esquimalt benefits our region

The Chamber applauds news of a Canadian Armed Forces housing…

BC Budget 2024: Chamber set to continue advocacy

The Provincial Budget for 2023 was only recently announced…

Media launch helps kick off 48th Flower Count

The Pacific Ocean wields immense influence over the weather,…

Rising real estate market another sign of spring

Seeing tiny buds turn to bright blossoms is a sure sign…

Legislation will require wage transparency in BC

New legislation introduced yesterday by the provincial government…

Bank of Canada sticks with pause on rate hikes

As expected, the Bank of Canada held off on changing its…

Complex care a good step toward safer communities

A priority for business that has become more urgent in recent…

BC Finance Minister to address Chamber members first after budget day

On Feb. 28, the provincial government will unveil its 2023…

How to take part in Random Acts of Kindness

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day! We all could use…

Chamber 160th celebrates past, present and future

On Feb. 9, The Chamber officially turned 160 so we…

Local Love this Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, finding that…