Saanich approves 24-storey tower at Uptown

A new tower that will create a notable landmark for people entering Greater Victoria’s core has been approved by District of Saanich council.

The 24-storey apartment building will house 318 rental units on the corner of Carey Road and Ravine Way. A residential building on the site was part of the original proposal for Uptown. The new building will also include commercial space and cycling amenities.

Saanch has a long-range vision for transforming the neighbourhood into a central hub that will become the heart of the municipality.


Saanich moving forward on plans for Uptown ‘downtown’

A new hub close to the “heart of Saanich” was given a key stamp of approval on Monday.

The District of Saanich has an extensive plan for the Uptown-Douglas area, which is at the crossroads of Greater Victoria’s core municipalities.

The area will be zoned to shape new development designed to grow the neighbourhood as a major hub north of downtown Victoria and between the West Shore and Saanich Peninsula.

The plan includes turning Oak Street into a vibrant commercial district that creates a walkable boulevard between Uptown Mall and Mayfair Shopping Centre.
Read the Uptown-Douglas Plan

Amalgamation committee taking shape this spring

Talk is turning to action on the latest attempt to pursue municipal amalgamation. Invitations to serve on the Victoria-Saanich Citizens’ Assembly have been sent to 10,000 residents in the two communities. They have until May 30 to confirm whether they will participate.

From there, 48 people will be selected through a randomized lottery process that fairly represents the population of both municipalities. Finally, the committee will come together over eight Saturdays starting in September and wrapping up in April. At that point, they will produce a report outlining the pros and cons of merging Greater Victoria’s two largest municipalities.